Disruptive ideas. Limitless possibilities.
John keells it, is a leading boutique consulting cum professional services company and is a fully owned subsidiary of sri lanka’s largest and premier conglomerate john keells holdings plc which boasts of the highest market capitalization in sri lanka with an annual turnover in excess of us$ 800m. We help you maximize your performance and achieve your vision. We develop and implement technology driven, business solutions that helps you improve your engagements with your clients, helps you enhance your effectiveness and efficiency and help run your operations. Ultimately, we enable you to unleash value through innovations.
John keells it takes pride in being a trusted partner for more than 500+ customers spanning 4 continents in making our customers the trend setter in their respective domains powered by our knowledge capital that exceeds 500+ professionals and collective wealth of experience in excess of 10,000 man years. We at john keells it offer you the best in class solutions and services with trusted and long term partnership to enable you to face the digital future with confidence. We have an extensive eco-system with strategic partnerships with key industry leaders of the likes of sap, microsoft, cisco, ibm, amazon, google, etc and to be able to bring the best of breed solutions across to you.
We draw from the best that’s there in terms of people and attract only the best, most talented team players who are able to integrate with your teams to create that force-multiplier in energizing your core and extending your edge in being able to digitally enable your organization to integrate into the desired eco-system and platforms.
Talk to us today to unleash your true potential through digital transformation!

Partner since 2009

Partner since 2004

Partner since 2018

Partner since 2015
Our strategic partnership
We are extremely passionate about what we do and our strategic partnerships. These partnership helps us to augment the value that we are able to create together in making you more successful.
Explore your limitless possibilities with us, today.
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